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Monday, September 5, 2011

Android Nickipsy Record your conversation

Symantec has been doing a study of potentially malicious application program on the Android-based devices. that this application called the Android Nickipsy by Symantec. Explicitly, this application aims to help the suspicion someone to spy on others he suspected. Capabilities of these applications include recording phone conversations.

However, to play back the recording required physical access to the device, so the actual application is also not much help other than to record telephone conversations.
The question that often arises from the existence of this application is, "How many actual dangers generated this application?".
If you look at the latest blog post at Symantec, the answer is, not much.

However, there is a fact that says that although this application works stable on the emulator, when used in this application the phone even has a tendency to crash and break suddenly wanted to recorded conversations. To watch and remember is still a lot of other mobile threats that circulate in the virtual universe and trying to make or send a recording secretly.

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